
Senin, 05 Januari 2015

WGM Moment

Entah kenapa tiba-tiba gue pengen share foto-foto Seohyun sama Yonghwa pas mereka lagi di acara WGM.

Selasa, 16 Desember 2014


Entah kenapa tiba-tiba aja siang ini, pengen nge post tentang YongSeo couple. Abisnya lucu aja mereka berdua. Awalnya sih, ane nyari video tentang Yuri SNSD, soalnya di SNSD, Yuri termasuk member yang aktif dan waktu itu tuh ane masih buta sama SNSD. Nginget nama membernya juga susah, soalnya

Jumat, 19 September 2014

Jomblo Sejati

       "Just a smile and the rain is gone. Can hardly believe it...."
       Siang itu, gue tiduran di depan rumah dengan beralaskan rumput dan beratapkan langit. Sambil dengerin lagunya Westlife,

Sabtu, 13 September 2014


That’s not how I feel but I made you sad again
That’s not how I feel, I’ve never hated you
I hope our love will never change
I hope we will always smile
Thank you
So many things happened so far
There were times when things were hard and tiring
Love is still so hard for us
I’m sorry
That’s not how I feel but misunderstandings bring other misunderstandings
That’s not how I feel, you’re still so great
I hate myself for being the fool who keeps repeating my mistakes
I’m always only about you
That’s not how I feel but I made you sad again
That’s not how I feel, I’ve never hated you
I hope our love will never change
I hope we will always smile
Thank you
We had a lot of expectations and hopes for each other
Sometimes overwhelming
Love is still so hard for us
I’m sorry
That’s not how I feel but misunderstandings bring other misunderstandings
That’s not how I feel, you’re still so great
I hate myself for being the fool who keeps repeating my mistakes
I’m always only about you
That’s not how I feel but I made you sad again
That’s not how I feel, I’ve never hated you
I hope our love will never change
I hope we will always smile
Thank you
I was always clumsy, I wasn’t always understanding
As much as we were happy, we were in pain as well
I hope when time passes and it becomes a memory, we will be able to smile
Thank you
That’s not how I feel but I made you sad again
That’s not how I feel, I’ve never hated you
I hope our love will never change
I hope we will always smile
I hope our love will never change
I hope we will always smile

Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

Curug Cimahi

Rencananya, gue janjian sama agan-agan gue mau pergi ke Curug Cimahi jam 10 dan itu ngedadak banget, baru ngomonginnya jam 7an. Dirumah gue belum beres-beres, nyuci baju, apalagi mandi haha. Singkat cerita, pas gue mau mandi, tiba-tiba aja, sodara dateng ke rumah. Alhasil, gue pending dulu mandinya dan ngobrol-ngobrol gak jelas sama mereka. Sebenernya, mereka perlunya ke ibu, bukan ke gue, tapi karena ibu gue lagi keluar, jd ya gitu deh..

Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014

Lucky - Jason Mraz ft Colbie Calliat

Do you hear me, i'm talking with you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2014

what a bad night

Akhir-akhir ini gue lagi gabutz banget. Kemaren-kemaren, gue liat di Path sisiuk jalan bareng sama siraru. Emang sih gue gak punya hak buat marah karena gue bukan siapa-siapanya mereka. Tapi, karena satu dan lain hal gue kesel sama sisiuk yg udah bikin gue sakit buat kedua kalinya. Sekali penipu emang bakalan tetep jadi penipu. Ya, jadi mungkin gue gak bakalan percaya sepatah kata pun dari mulut manis dia.
Dan barusan, ya barusan banget, gue kecewa, sakit? Ya pastilah.. Orang yang selama ini gue 'kira' baik dan ah sudahlah... yang jelas gue kecewa sama dia. Gue kira, dia punya perasaan yg sama, sama gue. Taunya itu cuma perasaan gue doang. Untung aja gue gak bilang ke temen-temen gue kalo orang yg gue suka itu dia. Mungkin kalo gue cerita ke temen-temen gue, gue bakalan ngalamin hal yg sama lagi kayak dulu.
Apa yg seharusnya gue lakuin sekarang? Somebody help me please.. Gue gak mau dicap sebagai jones, galau addict atau apapun. Tapi, ya inilah gue, beginilah hidup gue, selalu diakhiri kesedihan.